Monday, June 22, 2009

What I'm Up To, Books/TV, Quick Update


Second book of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series, The Great Hunt.

Quick synopsis: Last book Rand decided to leave his friends so he won't hurt them when he inevitably goes mad from using the One power. At the start of the sequel he hasn't quite gotten around to leaving yet. The great horn, which can summon heroes from the dead to battle is stolen and Rand is conned by the Aes Sedai to return it.

Where I am: more than 3/4 of the way through it.

What I think thus far: Quicker pace than the first book. Everyone knows a little more. Rand knows he might be the Dragon Reborn and he struggles against his fate. Unfortunately, he's not the only one who knows which leads to adventure! and battles! and sword fights! So, I'm happy, though sometimes I want to smack Rand upside the head for trusting a mysterious stranger just because she has soft skin. He really is a wool-brain. My fave character is Nynaeve who is a badass Aes Sedai (sort of like a witch). She has a short temper and is very entertaining.


Re-watching episodes of Supernatural in preparation for Season 4 dvd release. This show continues to surprise me by how good it is. The writers aren't afraid to torture their characters or to go there with all types of issues, including the battle between Heaven and Hell.

Catching up on Burn Notice. A great summer show. Spies, guns, witty banter, and Miami.

On deck: If I can get my hands on the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. I need to see what's the fuss is about.

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