Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Flash reviews

The Running Man by Stephen King

King wrote this one under another name, more than a pseudonym actually, more like an avatar with a wife a home and a death. For you see, King killed him off with a heart attack. Sounds twisted and it sort of is, but in a twisted awesome way.

I love King's thrillers, the ones that tread the line of horror, but stay firmly on the side of thriller. I read Running Man very quickly. Had no choice, really, there was so many near escapes, car chases, and betrayals that I had to keep on reading. It sped along so quickly. The only thing was that the main character was a "everyman" character. He seemed like a stock character with gallow's humor and an inexplicable knack with a firearm.

Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips

Talk about dysfunctional families. Phillips brings the Greek gods and goddesses to modern day London. Lightly amusing, but a bit forgettable.

Going Postal by Terry Pratchett

Why haven't I read Pratchett before? Loved this book. Witty, funny, and memorable characters. Especially loved the con artist with the heart of gold (which, strangely enough, is my small quibble, he accepts his fate too quickly).

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